Paradise Gardens
Dogs love having a water feature for taking a refreshing sip on hot afternoons. Click on picture to link to our Pet Friendly Landscaping page and see other ways we can improve your yard for you and your pets.
Some dogs will even enjoy cooling off on a hot day.
A few dogs may even dunk their whole snout in the pond!
Water loving plants like Creeping Jenny soften our "spings" now.
We installed this Disappearing fountain to be a complementing focal point for the home landscape.
We installed this homeowner's special anniversary urn over a basin of river rock.
We added low voltage spotlighting for the fountain and to highlight the architectural charm of the home.
This blue ceramic container adds nice color to this sitting area.
Colorful flowering roses accompany this Disappearing fountain which provides some splash sound for the screened porch.
We set up this Disappearing fountain for welcoming guests in this courtyard.
This Disappearing fountain gives a nice background splash for the patio.
We can design fountains into courtyards.
We built this Tennessee fieldstone waterfall that runs off pool pump.
We installed this Pondless waterfall for less maintenance than a pond but the same enjoyment of the water.
This double waterfall can be enjoyed by the public at Patio Imports on Wade Hampton Blvd.

Water Features

Ponds, Streams, Waterfalls, Fountains  Disappearing and Pondless Water Features




The "springs" of our own water feature's stream.
Our pond is around 1200 gallons and has about 30' of stream falling around 4'. The stream splits and forms an island between the forks. We planted water loving plants like Creeping Jenny and Japanese Iris. To see some of our other planting projects, click on the picture to link to our Plant Installations page.
We incorporated this waterfall into the retaining wall. It has a shallow pond in the basin and makes plenty of splash sound to drown out unwanted noise. To see more of this outdoor living area and others we have built, click on picture to link to our Hardscapes page.
We built this backyard disappearing waterfall that ends in a shallow pool as well. To see what the hillside looked like before this was created, click on the picture to link to our Before and After page.
Just about anything can be turned into a Disappearing fountain. Here we set up a pre-drilled boulder on supports in the basin for a really natural feature. It is a good way to have a water feature without worrying with a pond.
We can build waterfalls for small spaces like townhome yards as well.
The water feature at Patio Imports more recently. Click on picture to link to our Contact us page so we can help you with the water feature of your dreams.